Config File

How config file looks?

Config = {}
Config.Locale = "en" -- Available: en/pl

Config.TranslateCapIndex = "TranslateCap" -- Available: TranslateCap & _U (Depends on your esx version)

-- Misc

Config.KeySystem = false -- false / qs-keys 
Config.TestDriveTime = 120 -- In seconds
Config.TestDrivePrice = 5000
Config.TargetType = "marker" -- Available: marker / ox-target (Actions accessing method)
Config.BestVehicle = {
    MaxSpeed = 300, -- In Km/h
    MaxBrake = 2.5,

-- Logs 

Config.WebHook = ""

-- Vehicle Shops

Config.VehicleShops = {
    ['test'] = {
        Name = "test", -- must be same as above!!! It's unique name only for script (not visible in game)
        BlipType = 669,
        BlipColor = 38,
        BlipSize = 0.8,
        BlipName = "Test Vehicle Shop",
        BlipCoords = vec3(-56.9785, -1096.0992, 26.4224),
        Access = {
            Coords = vec3(-56.4488, -1096.9193, 26.4224), -- -56.9785, -1096.0992, 25.4224
            Color = {r = 255, g = 254, b = 252}, -- color of marker (Leave it when using ox-target)
            ZoneSize = {x = 0.6, y = 0.6, z = 0.6} -- size of marker / ox-target
        VehicleShowCaseCoords = vec3(-44.8233, -1098.2142, 26.4223),
        VehiclePurchaseSpawnCoords = vec4(-31.7234, -1091.0845, 26.4223, 319.3616),
        VehicleTestDriveCoords = vec4(-31.7234, -1091.0845, 26.4223, 319.3616),
        CopyVehicles = "none", -- Put here name of vehicle shop from which you want to copy vehicle and category list. Leave none if you want to create new list.
        Categories = {"Compacts", "Coupes", "Muscles", "Sports", "Vans", "Off Road"},
        VehiclesList = {
            ['Compacts'] = {
                    label = "Blista",
                    spawn = "blista",
                    price = 8000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Brioso",
                    spawn = "brioso",
                    price = 18000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Issi",
                    spawn = "issi2",
                    price = 10000,
                    bgimage = "",
            ['Coupes'] = {
                    label = "Felon",
                    spawn = "felon",
                    price = 42000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Exemplar",
                    spawn = "exemplar",
                    price = 32000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Sentinel",
                    spawn = "sentinel",
                    price = 10000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Zion",
                    spawn = "zion",
                    price = 36000,
                    bgimage = "",
            ['Muscles'] = {
                    label = "Blade",
                    spawn = "blade",
                    price = 15000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Chino",
                    spawn = "chino",
                    price = 15000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Chino Luxe",
                    spawn = "chino2",
                    price = 19000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Nightshade",
                    spawn = "nightshade",
                    price = 65000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Sabre GT",
                    spawn = "sabregt2",
                    price = 25000,
                    bgimage = "",
            ['Vans'] = {
                    label = "Burrito",
                    spawn = "burrito3",
                    price = 20000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Rumpo",
                    spawn = "rumpo",
                    price = 15000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Bison",
                    spawn = "bison",
                    price = 45000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Minivan",
                    spawn = "minivan",
                    price = 13000,
                    bgimage = "",
            ["Off Road"] = {
                    label = "Bf Injection",
                    spawn = "bfinjection",
                    price = 16000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Bifta",
                    spawn = "bifta",
                    price = 12000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Blazer",
                    spawn = "blazer",
                    price = 6500,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Dubsta 6x6",
                    spawn = "dubsta3",
                    price = 95000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Brawler",
                    spawn = "brawler",
                    price = 75000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Kamacho",
                    spawn = "kamacho",
                    price = 110000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Guardian",
                    spawn = "guardian",
                    price = 385000,
                    bgimage = "",
            ["Sports"] = {
                    label = "Adder",
                    spawn = "adder",
                    price = 150000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Rapid GT",
                    spawn = "rapidgt",
                    price = 35000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Sultan",
                    spawn = "sultan",
                    price = 40000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Neon",
                    spawn = "neon",
                    price = 900000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Tropos",
                    spawn = "tropos",
                    price = 40000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "Bestia GTS",
                    spawn = "bestiagts",
                    price = 250000,
                    bgimage = "",
                    label = "GT 500",
                    spawn = "gt500",
                    price = 785000,
                    bgimage = "",

Last updated