Main Config.lua file
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en' -- Script language, available: NL/PL/DE/EN/ES/SE/BG/CZ/EL/ES/FR/PT/RO/SK/TR
Config.FontAwesomeUrl = "" -- to avoid icons dissapper change it to your own kit.
Config.FrameWork = "ESX" -- ESX OR QBCORE!
Config.FuelDependency = "none" -- none, cdn-fuel, ox-fuel, LegacyFuel, qs-fuel, rcore-fuel, codem-xfuel
Config.KeysDependency = "none" -- qs-keys, qb-keys, wasabi_carlock, sna-vehiclekeys, dusa_vehiclekeys, Renewed-Vehiclekeys, tgiann-keys
Config.DebugMode = false -- enable/disable debuging.
Config.WebHook = ""
Config.HelpNotify = "normal" -- normal/origen_notify
Config.Misc = {
Notify = "esx", -- esx / qbcore / op-hud
Target = "none", -- none / ox-target / qb-target
Icons = { -- target icons
Vehicle = "fa-solid fa-square-parking",
Boat = "fa-solid fa-sailboat",
Plane = "fa-solid fa-plane",
Helicopter = "fa-solid fa-helicopter"
RepairPrice = 2000,
ToggleRepairFunction = true,
TowingPrice = 2000,
RepairTime = 5, -- in seconds
TowingTime = 5, -- in seconds
Blips = {
Vehicle = {
BlipId = 524,
BlipLabel = "Garage",
BlipColor = 52,
BlipSize = 0.8,
Plane = {
BlipId = 569,
BlipLabel = "Airplane Hangar",
BlipColor = 51,
BlipSize = 0.8,
Helicopter = {
BlipId = 360,
BlipLabel = "HeliPad",
BlipColor = 29,
BlipSize = 0.8,
Boat = {
BlipId = 410,
BlipLabel = "Boats",
BlipColor = 38,
BlipSize = 0.8,
Peds = {
Toggle = true,
Boat = {
Model = "u_m_y_party_01",
Gender = "male",
Marker = {
Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255}, -- When using markers
ZoneSize = {x = 1.6, y = 1.6, z = 1.6},
Icon = "fa-solid fa-money-bill-wave", -- When using target
Plane = {
Model = "a_m_y_hasjew_01",
Gender = "male",
Marker = {
Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255}, -- When using markers
ZoneSize = {x = 1.6, y = 1.6, z = 1.6},
Icon = "fa-solid fa-money-bill-wave", -- When using target
Vehicle = {
Model = "a_m_y_hasjew_01",
Gender = "male",
Marker = {
Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255}, -- When using markers
ZoneSize = {x = 1.6, y = 1.6, z = 1.6},
Icon = "fa-solid fa-money-bill-wave", -- When using target
Helicopter = {
Model = "a_m_m_eastsa_02",
Gender = "male",
Marker = {
Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255}, -- When using markers
ZoneSize = {x = 1.6, y = 1.6, z = 1.6},
Icon = "fa-solid fa-money-bill-wave", -- When using target
--[[Animation = {
Prop = {
Prop = "prop_security_case_01",
PropBone = 57005,
PropPlacement = {
Dict = "move_weapon@jerrycan@generic",
Lib = "idle"
}--]] -- Example animation with prop.
Config.PlayerAnimation = { -- Animation in garage.
Toggle = true,
Prop = {
Prop = "sf_p_sf_grass_gls_s_01a",
PropBone = 28422,
PropPlacement = {
Dict = "amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a",
Lib = "idle_c"
Config.ShowRoom = {
Marker = {
Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255}, -- When using markers
ZoneSize = {x = 1.6, y = 1.6, z = 1.6},
Icon = "fa-solid fa-square-parking", -- When using target
EntranceCoords = vec4(1295.2756, 261.7921, -50.0573, 174.5392),
ParkingSlots = {
Coords = vec4(1281.2789, 240.9465, -49.4692, 243.5022),
Coords = vec4(1281.3644, 250.2220, -49.4689, 242.7067),
Coords = vec4(1280.8601, 258.3342, -49.4696, 239.6884),
Coords = vec4(1295.1112, 249.0047, -49.4691, 177.1261),
Coords = vec4(1295.1277, 241.2695, -49.4692, 180.6348),
Coords = vec4(1295.1410, 231.9178, -49.4692, 178.8318),
Coords = vec4(1309.6279, 230.9311, -49.4691, 52.8349),
Coords = vec4(1309.7224, 241.4225, -49.4700, 54.4629),
Coords = vec4(1309.9415, 249.3070, -49.4696, 62.1490),
Coords = vec4(1309.5300, 258.2726, -49.4688, 63.7715),
Last updated